The common ideals, worldviews, attitudes, and presumptions among employees make up the workplace culture.
Individual upbringing, social and cultural background and organizational priorities all influence this.
In the office, however, the management, HR, and leadership exercise influence over and can mold the strong desire for the work environment. A favorable job environment boosts morale, enhances teamwork, boosts output and effectiveness, and helps the employees stay on the job longer.
Work, cooperation, and job happiness make all performances improve. Lastly, and most crucially, a happy workplace employee stress is lessened by the environment.
Have we been able to cultivate a positive work culture inside our organization?
Which is the most powerful tool for productivity? This is high time now that every Head of the organization and HR People work on developing the strategies and action plan to cultivate the positive work culture across the organization. The upcoming 11th National HR Conference would lead the way in having our focus on how
“Cultivating a Positive Workplace Culture” with inputs from industry experts could shape for developing and enrooting a positive work culture.
7th September, 2022 (22nd Bhadra, 2079)
The Soaltee Kathmandu
Book your Seat Now!
Ganga Bhandari: 9851182297, 9851203756, 9849681478, 01-4421458