Regarding independent researcher and Remuneration

Dear All,

Referring to the Excom meeting with FNCCI for the HR related research on March 01, 2016 and consequences emails for the expression of interest  to be a member of this research committee, we just came to know while talking with Mr. Hansa Raj Pandey – Director FNCCI that the members from Excom will not be eligible.
So, we need to propose an independent researcher to assign this research.
If, we hire an independent researcher, we need to pay remuneration .
So, as discussed with Mr. Kumar Joshi – President HRSN, he has proposed the cost bifurcation as below:
We will pay 70% to Researcher as remuneration and 30% will deposit on the account of HRSN from the grant received from FNCCI.
Please suggest on this financial part and also suggest/propose  an independent researcher if any.
We have to sent at least 2-3 CV of the independent researchers under HRSN supervision.
Please treat it as urgent and reply.

