
It’s a pleasure to announce that Human Resources Society Nepal (HRSN) is organizing the “9th National HR Conference – 2020” on October 14-15 at Virtual Platform, and would like to invite all the HR and OD professionals including but not limited to Line Managers, Training Managers, CEOs and Directors to participate in this conference. In the era of post pandemic time and the way of new normal, the human resource…

Knowledge Sharing Session on “Social Security Act 2074 and 2075 Rules” conducted successfully with more than 30 HR experts (participants) in Birgunj on December 15, 2018.

Near 80 HR Professionals joined the Knowledge Sharing Session on Nepal Labor Act 2074, and Nepal Labor Regulation 2074 organized by HR Society Nepal at Hotel Yellow Pagoda, Kantipath on Labor day 2018. Mr. Sujan Jojiju – Under Secretary, Ministry of Labor and Employment share the updated labor act, and labor regulation with insightful presentation. The program was supported by Nimble Office HRM, and Hotel Yellow Pagoda by providing venue.

Knowledge Sharing Session on “Being Hero, Inspiring Heroes” by Binod Shahi conducted successfully with more than 30 HR experts (participants) in Uniglobe College premise on March 31, 2018.

The Fifth AGM of HR Society Nepal was conducted successfully at Indereni Banquit this Saturday (February 24, 2018), and the new committee is formed after election. The total members in the committee is decided to be 17. Total 15 members are elected from election, and executive committee will nominate and select 2 more members after first committee meeting. SN Name …

HR Society Nepal is organizing Knowledge Session on “Labor Act and Drafted Labor Rules 2074” this Saturday (13th January 2018) at Biratnagar. The program is supported by Nimble Office HRM and CMSJOBS.COM. Around 50 HR Professionals from the area are expected to participate. The session will be moderated by Mr. A.K. Jha. For HRSN Membership – Login to and register.

HR Professionals/ HR Practitioners from various organization attended the KSS program conducted at Kings College on Jan 6, 2018. The program was focused on the Importance of the Employee Engagement Activities in an Organization and the Ways to Make it More Effective. The takeaways from the program were: Engaging employees through different activities to keep them motivated at work, Ensuring proper induction procedures, Educating the line managers to keep their team members engaged…

The 6th National HR Conference ‘HR for Tomorrow, Trends and Transformation’ concluded successfully on Tuesday. The conference addressed the issues including emerging trends of employer branding, evolving work place, future of working cultures and labour related legal provisions in Nepal.As a key note speaker on the theme ‘Emerging Trends of Employer Branding’, Colvyn Harris stressed in the the that the organizations/companies should devise human resource focused ...

Nimble Office HRM is confirmed to sponsor Sixth Nat’l HR Conference organized by the HR Society Nepal this year. Nimble office HRM is an ERP with all the features like Payroll, Recruitment, Attendance, Employee Management, Inventory Management etc. Visit:

Aug 21, 2017- THE KATHMANDU POST Human Resources Society Nepal (HRSN), a non-profit organisation tailored for HR professionals, is set to organise the sixth iteration of the National HR Conference at Soaltee Crowne Plaza on September 12. Having explored various themes in the past like “Managing People during Crisis” and “Employee Care for Higher Productivity”. This years conference is set to be themed ˜HR for tomorrow, trends and transformation. Speaking…

Dear All, We conducted a discussion session on “Current issues and challenges in HR” today amidst HR professionals from different sectors. The program was conducted in collaboration with The Kathmandu Post daily.

We have joined hands with The Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) on forming an alliance to promote good employment practices among employers in Nepal. Such practices will be consistent with core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (IL0). HR Society Nepal will assist the FNCCI to respond to particular HR needs of enterprises and thereby build capacity within FNCCI to provide its service to its…

मानव संसाधन समाजमा नयाँ नेतृत्व, अध्यक्षमा कुमार जोशी चयन दैनिक नेपाल२०७२ पुष १८ गते १८:०६ काठमाडौं, १८ पुस । मानव संसाधन समाज नेपालमा नयाँ नेतृत्व चयन भएको छ । शनिबार नयाँबानेश्वरमा सम्पन्न तेस्रो बार्षिक साधारण सभाले कुमार जोशीको नेतृत्वमा आगामी २ बर्षका लागि १७ सदस्यीय नयाँ कार्यसमिति सर्वसम्मत चयन गरिएको हो । नयाँ समितिमा मोहन ओझा, शैलेन्द्र राजगिरी र अमित शर्मा उपाध्यक्षमा चयन भएका छन् । यसैगरी महासचिवमा मधु पौडेल,…

HRSN, ILO jointly hold knowledge sharing workshop – Post Report, Kathmandu Oct 2, 2015- The Human Resources Society Nepal, in collaboration with the ILO, organised a half-day Knowledge Sharing Workshop on “Enhancing Productivity and Competitiveness through Social Dialogue in the Nepalese enterprises” in Kathmandu on Friday. The event was highly appreciated by the practicing managers of the Nepali private sector who enthusiastically participated in the programme. In his opening ...

News Published on Kathmandu Post dated on: August 18,2015 Please find the links of Press Meet before the 4th National HR Conference: चौथो एचआर सम्मेलन २९ साउनमा हुने ( News) Please find the ...

14 August 2015 Press Release The 4th National HR Conference organized by Human Resource Society Nepal (HRSN) concluded here in Kathmandu on 14 August 2015. Over 120 national and international HR professionals participated in the Conference which had Managing People during Crisis as its theme. HR professionals from various sectors presented case studies on how they managed their employees in the aftermath of the devastating Earthquake. Similarly, SSP Sanjay B.…

Press Meet at Reporters’ Club for upcoming 4th National HR Conference which is going to held on August 14, 2015 at Soaltee Crowne Plaza ,Kathmandu